New enrollment: $150 ($450 family maximum)*
Early Re-enrollment (January): $50 per student ($150 family maximum) *
Early Re-enrollment (February): $80 per student ($240 family maximum)*
Re-enrollment (after March 1): $150 per student ($450 family maximum)*
*Enrollment fees are non-refundable
Elementary (K-5): $7,900​ Early enrollment (current families only): $7700 (by March 1)
Middle School (6-8): $8225 Early enrollment (current families only): $8025 (by March 1)
High School (9-12): $8400 Early enrollment (current families only): $8200 (by March 1)
Senior/Half Day: $5250 Early enrollment (current families only): $5050 (by March 1)
*This does not include uniforms, athletic, PE, clubs, or other incidental fees
**Pre-pay discount by August 31: 5% discount
Payments will be made online through FACTS Management Company, the tuition management service we have partnered with for the upcoming school year. New families will be receiving an initial invoice from them with information as to how to set up your account and make your payments. Existing families will receive an email with your payment schedule.